Public Text of the HTML 2.0 Specification
The HTML 2.0 specification includes both machine-readable public
text -- SGML "code" if you will -- and human-readable text.
The public text includes the DTD, an SGML declaration, and a version
of the ISO Added Latin 1 entity set.
The Public Text
- The text of the SGML
- Sep 22, 1995 distribution
- Everything you need, all in one big tarball.
- The HTML SGML Declaration
The text of the SGML Declaration
for HTML
- ISO Added Latin 1
- The HTML version of the ISOlat1 entity set
- catalog
- Sample SGML Open style Entity Catalog: gives mappings from formal
public identifiers to typical file names.
- added exception -(META|LINK) to TITLE
- typos (an->and, emphais, substituable metainfo->meta-inf)
- catalog: no more level 0
- catalog: 72 char line limit
Changes in the 29 March 1995 Revision
- Updated Author info ( ->
- fixed typo in META comment
Changes in the 6 Feb 1995 Revision
- Merge in some SDA changes from
Changes in the 27 Jan 1995 Revision
My release-testing tools have suffered some
bit-rot, and so this release is not as well tested as some of
the previous ones. I have had some reports of problems with the
level 0 mode of the DTD.
- Format to <72 chars for RFC style.
- Fix some parameter entities that were illegal, but unflagged by
SGMLS. (see Non-compliant
use of parameter entities in a messge from Paul Grosso.
- Remove quiryky newline stuff in SGML declaration
See also: changelog of html.dtd from
1992/12/03 to present
Element References
These element references are an aid to reading and understanding
the DTD. They are all somewhat out of date. I
hope to rectify this soon.
- Element Reference (Level 2)
- Exhaustive alphabetical
listing of elements with syntax descriptions
- Element Reference (Level 2 Recommended)
- This listing eliminates deprecated
idioms. This is the reference to consult when generating new
- Element Reference (Level 1)
- Alphabetical
listing of level 1 (no forms) elements with syntax descriptions
- Element Reference (Level 1 Recommended)
- This listing eliminates deprecated
idioms. This is the reference to consult when generating new
documents without forms.
- This is an analysis of the HTML 2.0 DTD maintained by Earl Hood. It does a better
job of showing inclusion and exclusion exceptions than the
reference above. It's a bit out of date, last I checked.
For more information about the HTML specification, see the HTML 2.0 materials.
Daniel W. Connolly
$Id: html-pubtext.html,v 1.12 1995/09/21 23:41:30 connolly Exp $