Public Text of the HTML 2.0 Specification

The HTML 2.0 specification includes both machine-readable public text -- SGML "code" if you will -- and human-readable text. The public text includes the DTD, an SGML declaration, and a version of the ISO Added Latin 1 entity set.

The Public Text

The text of the SGML DTD for HTML
Sep 22, 1995 distribution
Everything you need, all in one big tarball.
The HTML SGML Declaration
The text of the SGML Declaration for HTML
ISO Added Latin 1
The HTML version of the ISOlat1 entity set
Sample SGML Open style Entity Catalog: gives mappings from formal public identifiers to typical file names.

Changes in the 21 Sep 1995 Revision

Changes in the 04 August 1995 Revision

Changes in the 29 March 1995 Revision

Changes in the 6 Feb 1995 Revision

Changes in the 27 Jan 1995 Revision

My release-testing tools have suffered some bit-rot, and so this release is not as well tested as some of the previous ones. I have had some reports of problems with the level 0 mode of the DTD.

See also: changelog of html.dtd from 1992/12/03 to present

Element References

These element references are an aid to reading and understanding the DTD. They are all somewhat out of date. I hope to rectify this soon.

Element Reference (Level 2)
Exhaustive alphabetical listing of elements with syntax descriptions
Element Reference (Level 2 Recommended)
This listing eliminates deprecated idioms. This is the reference to consult when generating new documents.
Element Reference (Level 1)
Alphabetical listing of level 1 (no forms) elements with syntax descriptions
Element Reference (Level 1 Recommended)
This listing eliminates deprecated idioms. This is the reference to consult when generating new documents without forms.
This is an analysis of the HTML 2.0 DTD maintained by Earl Hood. It does a better job of showing inclusion and exclusion exceptions than the reference above. It's a bit out of date, last I checked.

For more information about the HTML specification, see the HTML 2.0 materials.

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Daniel W. Connolly
$Id: html-pubtext.html,v 1.12 1995/09/21 23:41:30 connolly Exp $